What we do

Highly complex HPB surgery backed by years of experience and results. Forming a motivated and highly trained team, with all the cutting-edge technology at launch, including robotic and laparoscopic surgery and the latest and most innovative treatments. We incorporate shared assistance with general internal medicine, a prehabilitation program and ERAS®, as well as the possibility of specialized treatments such as Selective internal Radiation Transarterial (SIRT).

What we do


Augmented Reality and Surgical Navigation

Augmented Reality (AR) is revolutionizing HPB surgery, a specialty that requires high precision and detailed knowledge of the complex anatomy of the liver, pancreas and bile ducts. AR allows digital images, such as CT scans and MRIs, to be superimposed directly on the surgical field in real time. This provides to the surgeon a visual guide, making it easier to identify critical structures and capability of surgical planning. AR-assisted surgical navigation plus AR incorporation, improves accuracy in locating tumors and anatomical structures, minimizing the risk of complications. In addition, it is a very useful tool for the training of new surgeons.

3D modeling for HPB surgery procedures

Detailed three-dimensional models of intra-abdominal organs, tumors and their anatomical relationships with other organs and blood vessels can be created from computed tomography images. These models help to visualize the patient’s anatomy with great accuracy before the intervention, making it possible to plan personalized surgical strategies.

Minimally invasive surgery – robotic HPB surgery

HPBcrti already has previous experience in laparoscopic HPB surgery. Since 2018 we began the development and incorporation of the robotic approach in our surgeries. Gradually and with initially selected cases, we have moved on to performing all types of liver, pancreatic and bile duct surgeries. Cases of vascular resection and major hepatectomies have been performed with good results. We consider that the robotic platform carried out by experienced professionals provides important advantages for both the patient and the surgical team.

Training courses in HPB robotic surgery

Since the beginning of HPBcrti we have always had concerns and responsibility to share our knowledge with the rest of the HPB surgical community. We have had continued activity in face-to-face courses in the operating room, starting with laparoscopic surgery and currently moving to courses in initial robotic surgery, advanced surgery (including practical experience with animal models and complex cases) as well as collaborating in the first courses of robotic surgery for nursing nationwide.

Extreme liver surgery (total vascular exclusion, veno-venous bypass and hypothermic perfusion)

In special cases of liver lesions, whether primary or secondary liver tumors, affecting the hepato-caval confluent or extended to the hepatic venous drainage, extreme liver surgery is indicated. This incorporates total vascular exclusion with veno-venous bypass and the possibility of hypothermic liver perfusion. This surgery, within the reach of a few extensive experienced teams and with the support of anesthesiology, perfusionists, interventional radiology and specialized nursing, is often the only potentially curative option for a selected group of patients.

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