Detection of the sentinel node in pancreatic cancer by fluorescence imaging.

Carlota Matallana, Fernando Pardo, Francisco Espin, Manel Cremades, Esteban Cugat.

El uso de la imagen fluorescente ha aumentado significativamente su uso en la cirugía hepatobiliar y pancreática, pero no hay estudios comparativos que definan su aplicabilidad intraoperatoria en el abordaje linfático. La complejidad de las vías de diseminación linfática del adenocarcinoma de páncreas hace que sea un terreno difícil de definir y en el cual el avance tecnológico puede tener un papel fundamental ayudándonos a esclarecer estas rutas linfáticas.

En esta línea, creemos que el uso de Verde de Indocianina intraoperatorio para la detección del ganglio centinela mediante la imagen de fluorescencia puede ayudarnos a delimitar el territorio ganglionar afectado y lograr así linfadenectomías más dirigidas.

Doctors who have participated

Dr. Pardo

Consultant in Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery

Dr. Fernando Pardo (Madrid, 1986) is a Digestive surgeon specializing in hepatobiliopancreatic surgery and pancreatic transplantation.

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Dr. Espín

Consultant in Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery

Dr. Francisco Espín is a  Medical specialist in hepatobiliopancreatic (HPB) surgery and pancreatic transplantation. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Germans Trias Teaching Unit).

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Dr. Cugat

Clinical Head of the Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery Team

Dr. Esteban Cugat (Barcelona, 1960) is a medical specialist in General and Digestive System Surgery. Specialized in Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery. Clinical Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. 

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Dr. Cremades

Consultant in Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery

Dr. Manel Cremades is a Medical specialist in hepatobiliopancreatic (HPB) surgery and pancreatic transplantation. He is also an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB – Germans Trias Teaching Unit), collaborates on management committees for the implementation of hospital transformation projects, and is the co-founder of two startups in the health sector.

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